Attendance Policy

Good attendance with a minimum of tardiness and absenteeism is essential if students are to gain maximum benefit from the instructional program and attain high academic achievement.

All absences are recorded as excused or unexcused.
Excused absences shall be granted by the principal upon proper documentation for th efollowing reasons:
  1. Attendance of authorized school activity
  2. Illness or injury, which prevents school attendance
  3. Ordered isolation by the health department
  4. Death or serious injury within immediate family
  5. Medical and dentalk appointmnets with a doctor's note verifying the appointment
  6. Attendance in court wherein the child is a party in the action
  7. Observation of a religious event
  8. Educationally significant travel that has prior approval of the principal or his/her designee
  9. Parent excuses will be accepted for 5 days per semester

No faxed Doctor Excuses.

Make-up work is done for excused absences only. Students will receive a grade of "0" for missed work if the absence is unexcused. For excused absences students have 5 days to do make up work, except in the case of extended illnesses. Failure to make up work within the 5 day period will receive a "0" and any work assigned before the absence occurred is due the day the student returns, including tests.

p. 25 Student Handbook