If a student needs to check out during the day for an appointment, the parent or guardian may notify the school between the hours of 7 AM and 8 AM - 456-3320. The parent or guardian is responsible for giving the secretary, guidance counselor, or principal the name of the student and the time he/she is to be released from school. If students have vehicles at school, they are required to come to the office and sign out before leaving school.
If a parent, guardian, or approved adult is going to pick up the student, he/she is required to come to the office and sign that student out. He/she may be required to show proof of identity if the office deems it necessary.
If a student becomes ill the school nurse will be called and will determine if the student should go home. Parents will be contacted, and the student may leave on his/her own.
**page 2 of the HHS Student Handbook